Mussoorie’s Mythistory
Hugh and Colleen Gantzer
  • ISBN 13 : 9789386906700
  • year : 2019
  • language : English
  • binding : Softcover
Mythistory’ emerges when a real event becomes enveloped in mystery, revealing a surreal tale that is not quite fact and not quite fiction. Out of the eclectic mix of Mussoorie’s society have emerged coruscating tales, each a concoction of truth and imagination. When unexplainable events took place and no one had any credible explanation for them, it was mythistory that filled the gap. These stories have been distilled through the minds of a multitude of people, who have all added their own ‘spice’ to these tales. With each retelling, the mythistory of Mussoorie has grown, resulting in the strange pearls found in Mussoorie’s Mythistory. Author Hugh and Colleen Gantzer are India’s pioneering travel writers. The sub-continent enriched them with a wide spectrum of cultural influences adding to their Anglo-Indian heritage and their varied culinary experiences as an Indian Naval family for many years. As a team they have won many awards for their work in bringing the world to India and India to the world. When they are not travelling, the Gantzers live in a Victorian cottage in the oak woods of the Himalayas. Like the questing bear in the old song, they still want to see what lies on the other side of the mountain.